Blog - Page 4 of 10 - Trial and Eureka

Why you DON’T need to have an interesting life to write interesting emails people love to buy from

By Alp | Email Marketing

There is this pernicious myth in online business that you need to live somewhere exotic (and do “bucket list” things) to write interesting emails. Emails that don’t get deleted because they look like everyone else’s… Emails that get read and bought from… Even professional copywriters seem to believe this lie. For example, one of the students in my Email […]

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3 curable marketing maladies

By Alp | Email Marketing

I recently got roped into a discussion about selling in the “PS”. Specifically, whether you should put the call-to-action and sales page link in the “PS” because it sounds less sleazy. Here is my unfiltered take on it: To my mind, it makes very little sense to do this. When you go to the hospital and you are in […]

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Rage against the (vending) machine

By Alp | List-building

I wish I could be more passive-aggressive. Secretly, I yearn to develop an acidic wit to melt away stupidity and scour it off the face of the earth. Until that day, I suppose I’ll have to content myself with reading other people’s fits of enraged brilliance. Such as this note taped to a vending machine at a Fortune […]

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My biggest marketing pet peeve

By Alp | List-building

Do you have any pet peeves? Of course you do. I should have asked, “Will you run out of fingers before you can count them all?” Well, I’ll raise you one. I’m with Whoopi Goldberg on this: I don’t have pet peeves like some people. I have whole kennels of irritation. And my biggest, scariest, most menacing, snarling dog of […]

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Self checkout lanes in email marketing: Asking for trouble

By Alp | List-building

​Saw this on a site called notalwaysright today: === (At the self checkout, a customer is waving a lime over the scanner.) Customer: “Why isn’t my lime scanning?” Employee: “Produce items don’t have barcodes on them, ma’am.” Customer: “So?” Employee: *facepalm* === Ha! But I can do one better. This actually happened last month. It was one of those instances where you go, “The universe does have a sense […]

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