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Category Archives for "Email Marketing"

Can’t judge an email by its guru

By Alp | Email Marketing

You know how they say you can’t judge a book by its cover? Well, the same is true of sales emails. Just because a “launch guru” wrote it doesn’t mean that it’s actually any good. In fact, sometimes these guru emails are so bad that someone should take them to court for marketing malpractice. Sure, if you have 1.5 […]

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Littlefinger’s big marketing secret

By Alp | Email Marketing

Littlefinger is my second favourite character from The Game of Thrones. Admit it… You love the bugger too. He’s such a devious schemer, you can’t help but love to hate him. Just when you think he slipped and is about to get what he deserves… it turns out that he outwitted everyone. Did you notice how he out-stealthed Arya in […]

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Why the Cult of Value is dishonest

By Alp | Email Marketing

This is going to be controversial. I don’t believe that you should “give value first”. At least, the way it’s popularly taught. Let me explain why. Basically, “give value first” is the idea that you have to endlessly give away content for free before you “earn” the right to ask for a sale. Jab, jab, jab – right hook. I think […]

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